Have footage or a story you want to share? Send us a message! Below are specs for sending footage.


If you have old concert footage you'd like to contribute to the film, that's awesome and submissions are welcome! 

Everything new we are shooting for the doc will be recorded HD 1080p, 29.97 fps. Unless you were working for NASA at the time, the old concert footage you have won't be HD quality. That's ok! If it's already in digital form, you can submit it to however is most convenient for you (Dropbox,, wetransfer, Vimeo, etc.). We will evaluate it to determine if it is - or can be upconverted to - broadcast quality. 

If you have old tapes (VHS or otherwise) you can mail them to us and we can have them digitized in as high a resolution as possible through the wonders of technology. We will ship back your materials when the digital transfer is completed. 

Thanks so much!